Village of Bay City

GENERAL MEETING February 14, 2024

PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jan Ebensperger, Kimberly Lunda & Chris Zenner, and Jerry McConnell was not present for this meeting.


MOTION: to Accept the January 3, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes by Johnson/Ebensperger motion carried.

DISCUSSION on the speed limit decrease, Rick Tumaniec was on hand to discuss the study he reported that this portion of State Hwy 35 did not meet the criteria to decrease the speed limit He said that he was not aware that we wanted the study completed in the spring and summer. We contacted the State of Wisconsin requesting the decrease after the board voted to decrease the speed limit in August of 2023, the village had not requested the study take place during any certain time.  Mr. Tumaniec said that another study can take place in the spring/summer of 2024 During the discussion he stated that he could possibly help us get a cross walk across the highway to make it safer for pedestrians to cross the highway.  We will be working with him in 2024 to see the results of the study and try to see what else can done to make it safer.

PUBLIC WORKS -CHRIS ZENNER – Chris said that we are moving forward with the search grant through USDA and a person would be coming into the office to meet with himself, Kim, and Roger to help us get signed up with the federal website so that we can start working on the Documents for the grant.  We are currently working on this; Kim will be working on getting everything completed for the application. We are currently working on this.

The board reviewed the one estimate we received for the shop doors that need to be repaired the board discussed how they thought it should be repair, Trustee Baker said he had made a tool to remove the nails and felt that he and Chris and Jeff could possibly help “Helping Hands” he would contact “Helping Hands” about the repairs and see if he would be willing to work with us. We are still trying to get estimates on trees, we asked Reuvers for prices, and they were on vacation so they could not get estimates before the board meeting.  Chris and Jeff also have been working on the electrical in the shop.  The chlorine pump at the pump house broke down so that had to be ordered and rebuilt and is now in working order.

MOTION: to move forward with the shop repairs with Helping Hands Bid to include removing  the old sheet metal and the Village working with Helping Hands to make the repairs by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.

MOTION: to approve sending Chris Zenner to the WRWA conference in LaCrosse, WI  by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried

MOTION: to approve the 2024 picnic license for the Bombers by Baker/Ebensperger, motion carried.

MOTION: to approve the Bay City American Legion Picnic License for 2/24 & 3/23 by Baker/Ebensperger, motion carried.

MOTION: to approve Operators License for Britton and Brenner from the Outpost by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.

DISCUSSION: on an Increase for the residential garbage collection for the Village.  GFL is our carrier that picks up the trash and they were going to increase in March, but they were informed that legally they cannot do that because Wisconsin Stats state that with any price increase the public has to be given a months’ notice. They agreed to push the increase back to April 1st so that all residents can be notified of the increase. The increase notification will be on the March Utility bill.

MOTION: to approve the GFL price increase of 3% by Baker/Johnson, motion carried

MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis. State 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Council (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner and the Pierce County Board.

MOTION to Return for Closed Session – Roll Call
No action was needed from closed session

MOTION to Pay Bills by Johnson/Baker,  motion carried.


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