Village of Bay City

GENERAL MEETING October 11, 2023

PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jerry McConnell, Jon Ebensperger, Kimberly Lunda & Chris Zenner


MOTION: to Accept September 13, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.

DISCUSSION: Nick Chyco Assistant Project Manager with J.F. Brennan, who is working with the dredging project, was on hand to discuss the progress of the project. He reported that island two is completed and they are projected to wrap up the project for the winter months on November 3rd. Island number four is projected to move forward, and J.F. Brennan is hoping that they will get that project as well. They will be working on the dredging again next year and they are hoping that most of the dredging will be completed in 2024.

PUBLIC WORKS: Chris reported that he and Jeff and Jerry Sprick worked on getting the campground winterized for the season. Discussion was on the updated that need to be made in the electrical for the upper part of the campground. We received estimates on the electrical and Trustee Baker did some research on different boxes that we could use which would save the Village $3,000.00 We are requesting that they use these boxes and that a new estimate be turned into the Village. The board wants to have an itemized bill. The department was also working on Hydrant testing. They are required to work the valves for the so many hydrants each year. There was a lot of sand in them that needed to be washed out. Rural Water was also here to discuss the issue that we are having with increase nitrates in the system. DNR wants the Village to start well testing. We will be looking for some funding for this. We are now required to do water testing for nitrates every three months. It is still considered within the safe level, but the numbers have been increasing each year. Chris and Kim worked on road ratings for WISLR, we have to send in a report each year that shows the condition of all of our streets. This report is very important as it does affect the state aid, we are awarded for all of our roads

DISCUSSION on the campground business, Chris said that he will be contacting Shafer Fabrication to get the lock boxes repaired in the shower house. He also said he would be contacting Glen Anderson about repairing our rip rap along the shoreline that was damaged during the spring flooding.

DISCUSSION on the cemetery tree issue, Jessie Hohmann presented a letter to the board regarding the issue with the trees in the cemetery. The board wanted to check with Jeff to see if he wanted to add to his hours to help get the trees cleaned up in the cemetery. If he does not, then we will try to find a tree service that can take care of the problem.

MOTION to approve the picnic license for the Bay City American Legion by Johnson/McConnell, motion carried.

MOTION to approve Operators License for Jon Ebensperger by Johnson/McConnell, motion carried.

MOTION to go into closed session, roll call vote per Wis Stat 19.85(1)(g)

MOTION to go into closed session per Wis. Stat 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Counsel (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner. Wis.Stat 19.85(1)(f). To consider legal issue on the campground area.

CLOSED SESSION Roll call Vote out of Sesson Per Wis Stat 19.85(1)(g).


No Action was necessary.

MOTION to pay bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.

The board agreed that we need more time to look at the budget. We will meet again on November 1, for continued budget preparation and then the board meeting will follow the meeting due to many conflicts with the board members during the month of November.


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