Village of Bay City

GENERAL MEETING November 1, 2023

PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jon Ebensperger, Kimberly Lunda & Chris Zenner. Jerry McConnell was absent from the meeting.



DISCUSSION: Further discussion was on what our levy limit worksheet showed we could increase our budget by. After Clerk Lunda completed the worksheet with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue it was found that we could increase the budget by 1.99% under our general property tax so our Budget would be increase from $290,937.08 to $292.914.37 in 2024

MOTION to approve the annual budget for $292,914.37 with a increase of 1.99% on our General Property Taxes from the previous year to $100,844.00 by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.

MOTION to approve the Vision and Dental and the Health Insurance plan at the rates that were provided by Musty Barnhart by Johnson/Ebensperger

MOTION: to Accept October 11, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.

PUBLIC WORKS: The discussion started with explaining the issues that we have been having with our monthly readings for the water meters. Public Works has obtained a new tablet with which they can read the new meters with. We need to set up a meeting with Sensus on setting up the tablet. The person who sets it up had surgery and he said we would set up the tablet before the January meter readings in order to read all of the new meters. We have had to take manual readings on a large number of meters right now. Chris ordered more meters, and we will continue to update as many meters as possible so that we can have all meters set up on the tablet for easier meter reading. Chris reported that the island projects are done for the year. They moved all equipment and trailers out of the campground. Chris has found someone that is going to look at the coin box in the shower that is broken. Roger Spindler reported that the Bluff Busters Snowmobile Club fixed some of the campground picnic tables that needed repair. Some of the fire rings have been stolen and we will talk to the campground attendant, Steve about trying to keep track of when these come up missing during the year. Norm Baker will provide more rims for the fire rings in the spring of 2024. Chris also reported that he ordered new lights for the snowplow as the ones that we have are halogen that keep burning out, the bulbs are hard to access and are expensive. He also reported that the conference he attended was good.

MOTION to approve Operators License for Alecia Marie Rood w/Sabes Loft by Johnson/Ebensperger, motion carried.

MOTION to go into closed session, roll call vote per Wis Stat 19.85(1)(g)

MOTION to go into closed session per Wis.Stat 19.85(1)(C). to discuss employee compensation

CLOSED SESSION Roll call Vote out of Sesson Per Wis Stat 19.85(1)(g).


MOTION to raise Sandra Goulette’s wages by .50 Cents per hour with a review in three months effective immediately. To raise Jeff Link’s wages by .50 Cents per hour effective January 1, 2024 To raise Chris Zenner’s wages by .50 Cents per hour effective January 1, 2024. To raise Kim Lunda’s wages by $2.00 per hour effective January 1, 2024, by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.

MOTION to pay bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.


Kimberly Lunda
Village Clerk/Treasurer

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