PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jon Ebensperger, Kimberly Lunda & Chris Zenner.
MOTION: to Accept November 1, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS The discussion started about the water test that had come back , the nitrate levels have stayed the same, with the level still within acceptable levels. Davey’s Engineering discussed with us what our options would be, there is grant money to do well testing which would cover the cost of the investigation. The board wanted to see if Davey’s could come to the next board meeting. Chris will contact them and try to arrange for them to be at the next meeting. Electrical work was completed by Jeff and Chris on the water tower and a new heater for the Campground bathroom was obtained and installation is complete. An alarm light was also installed so they know if the heater is working properly or is in fail mode, which the light will indicate. Chris also discussed what Red Wing Computer is suggesting that we take any internet search engines and email off of the Scada Computer. The board wants to know what the cost of an additional computer would be, cost estimates will be obtained for Public Works computer so that we can separate the email and internet off the Scada computer.
MOTION to go into closed session, roll call vote per Wis Stat 19.85(1)(g)to confer with Legal Council (either by phone or in person)who is rendering oral ore written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner and the County Board.
MOTION to Return from Closed Session – Roll Call Vote
ACTION FROM CLOSED SESSION: The board conferred with council and were updated on the Meixner issues. No action was taken.
DISCUSSION – On bids for the repairs to the shop building. Two bids have been received and there was a gentleman by the name of Ryan Zedler who bought the old fish market building. He has a construction company called A Lasting Impression, Inc. and would like to put in a bid on the project. The board welcomed the idea, and the clerk is to check with the previous bidders and ask them if the bids that were submitted still stand.
MOTION to table the shop building until the other contractors can be contacted about their estimates by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
DISCUSSION – on bids for the trees that need to be removed from the Village in the Cemetery, Campground and around town, the bids were reviewed, and it was determined that Woodland Harvesting received the bid on the job.
MOTION to accept the bid that Woodland Harvesting has submitted and award the job to them by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.
DISCUSSION – On setting a date for the Caucus and the next board meeting as the Village President has a conflict with the January 10, 2023, meeting.
MOTION to set the caucus date for January 3, 2023, starting at 6:00pm and then the Board Meeting to follow at 6:30pm by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried
DISCUSSION – On seasonal campers getting refunds if they leave early but want to hold their spot for next year, the board agreed that a refund would not be given because they decided to leave early. The only time refunds would be issued to seasonal campers is with extenuating circumstances out of their control and each occurrence would be different and would be reviewed at the time of the event.
MOTION to appoint our chief inspectors Sue Harriman and Jan Spindler by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.
MOTION to appoint our Election Inspectors, Cheryl Enevold, Stacy McConnell, Lorelie Schoonmaker, Yvonne Marklevits by Johnson/Baker, motion carried.
MOTION to pay bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
Kimberly Lunda
Village Clerk/Treasurer