Village of Bay City

GENERAL MEETING January 3, 2024

PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jan Ebensperger, Jerry McConnell, Kimberly Lunda & Chris Zenner


MOTION: to Accept the December 13, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.

PUBLIC WORKS -CHRIS ZENNER – Tim Holzer with Davey’s Engineering was on hand to discuss what preliminary preparations and cost would be for a digging of a new well, or a well search. Tim had reached out to USDA about  any grants that would be available, a grant called the “Search Grant” from USDA is available but the municipality has to apply for this. Someone will be out from the USDA to help us to get signed up for the search grant, it is a process to getting logged in and to apply for the Grant. Time also talked to DNR; we would have to get samples of wells that are in our area so we know where we are standing and have a basic starting point. We will be working on this in the coming months with different retailers.

Chris said he would talk to Rural Water next week about some of this well testing.  He said that everyone is wondering about what we found out with the Wisconsin D.O.T. and he is hoping to get a report from them next week to present at the next board meeting.  Tree cutting of the dead elm trees throughout the Village and the Campground is ongoing and himself and Jeff will also be working on some of it.  They left all the materials/wood by the trees, and it will be open to Village residents to take the wood, the board felt that anyone cutting wood on village property  should be signing a disclaimer that the Village is not liable during those times for any accidents  that might happen when they are cutting or removing the wood.  Chris reported that he is going to be getting fluids and the loader tested soon and that he has had the oil changed on the Ford.

MOTION: to move forward and start the process of getting started with the search grant with the  assistance of the USDA by McConnell/Baker, motion carried.

MOTION: To move forward with the water sampling of local wells by Baker/Ebensperger, motion  carried.

MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis. State 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Council (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner and the Pierce County Board.

MOTION to Return for Closed Session – Roll Call
No action was needed from closed session

DISCUSSION – Bids for repairs to the Village Shop were tabled pending new estimates.

MOTION to Pay Bills by Ebensberger/Johnson, motion carried.


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