PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Jon Ebensperger, Terry Johnson, Jerry McConnell, Kimberly Lunda, Chris Zenner
MOTION: to Accept October 12, 2022, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS: Chris reported that the water tower was cleaned last month and that there are a few repairs that will need to happen next year at a cost of $5,000 to $7,000. The Water Tower will need to be painted within the next 5-7 years at a cost of $40,000 to $50,000. He reported that the PW department is in the process of getting the plow and sander equipment ready. Then they will be working on getting the flags down and the Christmas lights up. They discovered that a storm drain had collapsed at the end of Wabash Street and will need to be repaired. The rip rap project at the campground has been completed by Glen Anderson. The gas monitors at the lift station were calibrated last week. We completed a water test on an apartment building here in town because a resident complained that the water was making her and her daughter sick the water test came back as good with no issues. The board wanted to know if we would have any recourse on the complaint, we have been told by the DNR that we do not and cannot charge back to person that it is our responsibility to address all complaints. This is the second one in less than a year that we had to pay for due to complaints that were unwarranted. We will be looking into this further as the board feels that it is not fair to the Village to have pay for people who do this and there is nothing wrong with the water. The board would like to enact an ordinance that states if the water test comes back good the homeowner/renter would then have to pay for the cost of testing. Chris brought up the plowing for Isabelle Township, he wanted to know if we were going to continue to plow and if so if we were raising the price of the plowing. The board then discussed what we had been charging and the fact that fuel prices have raised, insurance cost has gone through the roof and salt sand prices has continued to take a rise along with maintenance cost has gone up. A motion was made by Trustee Baker on the issue.
MOTION to increase the price of plowing Isabelle to $150.00 per hour not to include the cost of salt sand/materials which is $70 extra charge for them each time by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.
DISCUSSION about what the Village needs to be charging for building permits. The board feels that we need to be charging for our clerical fees as there is a lot involved with the building permits.
MOTION to add an additional 10% clerical fee based on the cost of the building permit by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.
MOTION to obtain signage stating that the campground is closed from October 15th until April 15th NO CAMPING, violators will be fined by McConnell/Baker, motion carried.
DISCUSSION Ray Pechacek who represents the Bay City American Legion was on hand to discuss the Veterans Memorial that they are working on here in Bay City. Last spring he had appeared before the board asking for donations and the board said they would like to know more about the costs of the memorial and asked him to appear before them again when he had cost and they would decide what their donation would be. A motion was made on the donation. Ray then wanted to talk to the board about vehicles that are speeding on Oak Hill Road between the hours of 6-7:30am and 5-6:00pm he has called the Sheriff’s Department but he has seen no officers up patrolling at those times. This is an area where kids ride their bicycles and play and the bus stops there it is too dangerous for people to be speeding the way they do. The board agreed with Ray and said that they would consider the options on what could be done about the issue.
MOTION to contribute $2,500.00 now and then in the spring to contribute $2,500 additional funds to the American Legion for the Veterans Memorial here in Bay City by McConnell/Ebensperger, motion carried.
MOTION to table the membership to the Pierce County Economic Development by McConnell/Johnson.
MOTION to Approve the Property Tax Levy Limit of $98,886.71 by Baker/Ebensperger, motion carried.
MOTION to approve the General Budget at $290,937.08 by McConnell/Ebensperger, motion carried
MOTION to table sewer and water budget based on some research that has to take place and a review of our sewer rates, with report back next month, by McConnell/Ebensperger, motion carried
MOTION to increase water rates by 4.5% with a water rate study to follow in 2023 by Baker/McConnell, motion carried.
MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis. Stat. 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Counsel (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise in strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Culver. Wis. Stat. 19.85 (1)(f) Considering legal issue on the campground. 19.85 (1)(c) to discuss employee information.
MOTION to return from closed session – roll call vote
MOTION to award the job for the Campground Manager/Attendant to Krista Phernetton by Johnson, McConnell, motion carried.
MOTION to pay bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.