PRESENT: Jim Turvaville, Norman Baker, Jon Ebensperger, Roger Spindler, Terry Johnson, Kimberly Lunda, Chris Zenner.
MOTION to Accept August 19, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS: Chris reported that all hydrants were pressure tested, and Wyatt had hydrants primed and ready to be painted. Jon Ebensperger said that he would work with Wyatt to get the hydrants painted. He reported that the chips from the chip seal will be swept up within the next two weeks. He reported that he has been working on 3 different reports for the DNR. The board questioned about selling the flail mower and how we were going to sell it. They talked about selling the John Deere Lawn mower as it is getting tired, we had quit a few mechanical problems with it this year. Then possibly buying a different mower to mow the ditches.
DISCUSSION on the campground restroom showers, the bathroom/showers were opened over the Labor Day weekend. One of the issues that was brought to the board’s attention was that there was no sealant/caulking on or around the toilets or urinal. The board also wanted to know if there was some sort of sealant that was supposed to be put on the floors. It was discussed that we needed to get some signage on the showers stating the price and we needed to get a class 3 ladder to get up into the loft of the building. The fish cleaning station was discussed as it needs repairs. The board agreed that they would all get together in an upcoming weekend and do the repairs. They felt that if they all chipped in it could be completed in a weekend. The food stand that is now used as a storage shed has some electrical problem as some bee’s got into it over the summer and it will need to be looked at. Campground: two new sites were added with sewer and water, the attendant wants to leave those as weekly/daily sites and make site 21 a seasonal site. The board said we would do what the attendant wanted and monitor how it goes.
DISCUSSION on Galen Seipel continuing to be our appraisal and building inspector, Galen has decided that for a few of the smaller towns he would remain doing the job for at least another year. The board voted that they would keep Galen for the year 2021
MOTION to keep Galen Seipel as our Assessor and Building Inspector for 2021 with the same contract that he was under for 2020 by Baker/Johnson, motion carried
DISCUSSION on the cemetery shed being rented out to Jesse Hohmann, PWD Chris Zenner stated that he could use the storage for the lawn equipment over the winter months and that there were quit a few other things he could put in the shed. The board agreed that they would not rent it out.
MOTION to approve Resolution CMAR-310-8 by Ebensperger/Baker, motion carried.
DISCUSSION on setting a date for the budget prep meeting for 5:30pm on November 11, 2020 all board members agreed on the time and date.
MOTION to go into Closed Session-roll call vote per Wis. State 19.85 (1)(g) to confer with legal counsel (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner and to discuss strategy regarding employee benefits, wages or contract work.
MOTION to return from closed session – roll call vote
MOTION to change Clerk/Treasurer wages to Salary starting January 1, 2021 with a yearly rate of $41,500.00 which would be a 3.2% raise. All other benefits would remain the same by Spindler/Johnson, motion carried.
MOTION to Approve bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by
Kimberly Lunda
Clerk/Treasurer/Village of Bay City