PRESENT: Norman Baker, Jon Ebensperger, Terry Johnson, Jerry McConnell, and Roger Spindler, Kimberly Lunda, Chris Zenner and Sara Schutz
MOTION: to Accept the August 21, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS: Chris has returned to work without any restrictions. He has been working on some state reports that are due next month, the largest of which is lead and copper. Sewer jetting will be sometime within the next month. The board wants Chris to look into how much we could get out of a trade on the John Deere tractor in order for us to purchase a skid steer and some attachments as the John Deere really has not been the most practical tractor for the village. Chris will be looking into this and get back to the board at the next meeting.
DISCUSSION on the dredging project, Nick Chyco Supervisor for Brennan Construction was unable to attend the meeting and he said he tried to call in several times but was in a bad service area and was unable to make contact during the board meeting. He will be in attendance next month for the October board meeting and update us on the dredging project and any other issues.
MOTION to approve operator’s license for Kayla Metzen and Kristin Everson by Baker/Johnson, motion carried. Terry Schoonorer candidate for District 29 Assembly was not available for the meeting he requested to be on.
DISCUSSION on Campground, Jim Hince was able to go down and rake up the beach with his equipment the beach looks very nice. There was a water main leak in the campground. It was dug up and fixed, in the digging process, they nicked an electric line which also had to be fixed. Backwoods Electric came out and repaired the line and put conduit on the line as it was so close to the water line. Chris reported that he had the Ellsworth compressor lined up to blow the lines out at the campground which is scheduled to close on October 15, 2024.
MOTION: to approve Operators License for Jamie Roschen by Ebensberger/Baker, motion carried.
DISCUSSION: on cemetery fees, it was reported to the board it took around 2-3 hours to complete the documentation on a deed transfer. The board felt that $50 was too low of a price and they came to the agreement that it would be more like $125.00 to do the transfer.
MOTION: to set the fee for a deed transfers to be $125.00 by Johnson/Baker, motion carried.
MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis. State 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Council (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner.
MOTION to Return for Closed Session – Roll Call
MOTION to increase Sandra’s hours to 35 hours per week if she is agreeable by McConnell Ebensperger, motion carried.
MOTION to pay down our bank loan by $50,000.00 and term the loan out by Johnson/Ebensperger motion carried.
MOTION to pay the bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.