PRESENT: Norman Baker, Jon Ebensperger, Terry Johnson, Jerry McConnell, and Roger Spindler, Sandra Goulette, Kimberly Lunda, Sara Schutz, and Chris Zenner James Turvaville & Penny Franzen were also in attendance
MOTION: to Accept the September 11, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS: Chris has worked on the generator at the lift station, was suppose to be running once a week on a computer schedule and there was an error on the computer so B&B came out and corrected it, VFD fans are going out they have to replace those, actuator for the valve that pumps the sludge is going out and will need to be repaired. Called the HL Washbi about the side bumpers on the snow blades and that was ordered. Got the Land Treatment report done but its in the approval stage. Davy is coming out at 9:30am tomorrow to look at some test well sites. DNR will be out next week to have its inspection.
DISCUSSION on Results from Highway Study by the State of Wisconsin we once again turned us down for lowering the speed limit. There is a sign that shows the speed limit of oncoming vehicles that is for sale on Facebook for sale. The board made a motion to attempt to purchase it
MOTION: to try to purchase the sign offering $600 and come back offer for $700, by Norm Baker, Jon Ebensperger, motion carried.
DISCUSSION on using the Animal Control Agency, we will ask for the draft contract so the board will get an idea on what the total cost will be. Tabled until completed by Ebensberger/Baker, motion carried
DISCUSSION on anything campground related, we need to know from the board if we are going to make any increases to the cost for the Seasonal or to regular camping. Chris reported that we will be shutting down on the 15th of October, more trees will need to come down. Steve Franzen said the dredgers would like to leave there trailer up at the old schoolhouse for the winter. The board does not have any problems with that. The trailer that blew up will need to stay until the end of October and it is not supposed to be moved. Some campers that want to stay a for a seasonal amount of time. Some of the updates that need to be completed and discussion on the job that the Franzen’s are doing and have done. Updating the electrical was discussed.
MOTION: to approve Operators License for Lani Johnson by Johnson/McConnell, motion carried.
DISCUSSION: On if we have any lots that are up for sale, Bruce Andrews has inquired. Discussion was on the lots that we have that we might be able to sell. Discussion on what lots we have and lots of questions on everything.
DISCUSSION: on employee compensation, Sandra is working more hours now and has inquired about being able to accrue more Vacation time. Currently full-time employees are at a rate of 3.08 hours every two weeks or 1.54 days per 40 hours. She is currently at .77 every two weeks. In Wisconsin employees that work more than 130 hours per month are considered full time. She currently averages around 155/160 hours per month and her start day was on 6/12/23
MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis.State 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Council either by phone, in person or by written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which is involved with David Miexner.
MOTION to Return from Closed Session – roll call vote
MOTION to give Sandra additional allow second year service of vacation time as she is now considered full time by McConnell/Baker, motion carried.
MOTION to send an email to Simatic saying that at this time we are not going to pursue Sand Island Ebensperber/Johnson, motion carried
MOTION to Approve Bills by Ebensperger/Johnson, carried