PRESENT: Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jon Ebensperger, Jerry McConnell Kimberly Lunda & Chris Zenner, President Roger Spindler was not at this meeting
MOTION: to Accept the April 10, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes by Baker/McConnell motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS -CHRIS ZENNER – Chris reported that the Dixie Chopper broke and was fixed today as he broke down at the Ballpark. Chris had been in contact with Glen Anderson about the cemetery trees, he was planning that Jeff and himself would top the trees that we dead or broken off by the storm and then Glen would pull the stumps up along with the other stumps that needed to be removed. It is going to take a large machine to remove the stumps. He reported that he bought new carbide chains for the chainsaw as they last a lot longer and with all the Village Trees we have needed it for it is more cost effective. The blades can be sharpened for $12.00 each. Chris reported he replaced the sign on Elsa that had been stolen. He also ordered a new sign for the campground there was one that was up by Chef Shack that was made out of partial board that finally fell down that needed to be replaced. The shop building still needs to be bid on, we have not gotten anymore bids on the shop. One contractor looked at the job, but we have not gotten a bid from them yet. Some of the new meters been received, Core Main said that they are going to start getting back ordered due to Low inventory being low.
DISCUSSION CAMPGROUND: Steve Franzen the campground attendant painted the fish shack it looks very nice. We had an issue with one of the campers shutting off our new monitoring meter which he tampered with the breaker box on the site. The board wanted the letter that Clerk Lunda had drafted sent to him as we cannot have campers tamping with Village equipment.
MOTION: to Advise Clerk Lunda to send the letter to Tom Broze by Baker/Johnson, motion carried.
DISCUSSION: On allowing Jesse Hohmann to work up to 40 hours in the cemetery to help us get the correct people in the spots that they are buried in and to get the dates of birth and death entered into our Crypt Keeper software so that it can be accessible to the public and that we have the correct information entered.
MOTION: to allow Jesse Hohmann to help with the cemetery organization at $17 per hour up to 40 hours, then review what has been accomplished with the board, by McConnell /Johnson, motion carried.
MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis. State 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Council (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner or the ex-Campground Manager, Krista Phernetton.
MOTION to Return for Closed Session – Roll Call
MOTION to Pay Bills by Johnson/McConnell, motion carried.