Village of Bay City


PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Terry Johnson, Jon Ebensperger,  Jerry McConnell & Kimberly Lunda.


MOTION: to Accept the February 14, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes by Johnson/Ebensperger motion carried.

PUBLIC WORKS – Chris was at a conference in LaCrosse, WI so the update was very miniumal given by Kim, nitrate levels continue to creep up so the DNR has notified us that we will need to now start monthly testing. We received one bid for the sidewalk which was about three times higher than it was the previous year, the board said that we will need to get additional bids for the repairs The campground opening is scheduled to open on the 15th and so far that is on schedule.

DISCUSSION on the Army Corp of Engineers Quarterly Meeting, the Village was asked to meet at the March 21, 2024 meeting. Clerk Lunda and Trustee McConnell will be the speakers for the Village.

APPROVE Operators License for Ryan Cataract by Ebensperger/Baker, motion carried

DISCUSSION on the Cemetery Mowing. The board wants a contract written up for the Caretaker to  sign and have for review on what his job is. Clerk Lunda will write up a contact to be reviewed at the next board meeting.

APPROVE the increase to the Caretaker Hubert Schladweiler of $115, now totally $4,815.00.

APPROVE the bid from Service Master to strip and wax Village Hall floors by Ebensperger/Johnson motion carried.

DISCUSSION on sidewalks, the bid for sidewalks needs to go out to bidding.  This was tabled until this can be completed. Tabled by Ebensperger/Baker, motion carried.

DISCUSSION on purchase of trees, the board would like more research completed on several different places to see if we can get the purchase price lowered for the cost of purchasing trees.

MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis. State 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Councel (either by phone or in person) who is rendering oral or written advise concering strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner and the Pierce County Board.

MOTION to Return for Closed Session – Roll Call No action was needed from closed session

MOTION to Pay Bills by Johnson/Ebensperger,  motion carried.


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