PRESENT: Roger Spindler, Norman Baker, Jon Ebensperger Terry Johnson, Jerry McConnell, Kimberly Lunda, Chris Zenner.
MOTION to Accept December 8, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes by Ebensperger/Johnson, motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS: Chris didn’t have a lot to report, reported he received the report on the loader, and it came back okay, some metal in the oil and was told it is okay but to watch for any other related issues. He stated that the plow on the Ford was damaged, a stabilizing bracket had come loose from its weld, Norm Baker was able to weld a part for it and it was already repaired.
DISCUSSION on Beach Reconstruction and Rip Rap, the board wants to get a bid in the paper for it but we need to clarify a few things with the DNR before we can move forward. After we have been able to clarify those items a bid will be placed in the Newspaper so we can move forward with the construction.
MOTION to Approve the land split between Mike Celt and Bruce Andrews by Baker/Ebensperger, motion carried.
DISCUSSION on Changing the Plan Commission from a 7-person committee to a 5-person committee. It was discussed that we had been having problems having a meeting because of not having enough people to conduct the meeting. The board agreed that we would change from a 7 to a 5-person committee but thought we should still try to have at least 7 people to choose from because of absences due to things that come up or illnesses.
MOTION to Change the Plan Commission from a 7-person Committee to a 5-person committee by Ebensperger/Baker, motion carried.
MOTION to go into closed session – roll call vote per Wis.Stat 19.85(1)(g) to confer with Legal Counsel, either by phone or in person, who is rendering oral or written advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the board with respect to litigation in which it is involved with David Meixner.
MOTION to return from closed session- Roll Call Vote There was no action that was needed with this closed session, it was needed for preparation for the trail which will be starting in March of 2022.
MOTION to Approve Bills by Ebensperger/Johnson motion carried. Meeting Adjourned
Kimberly Lunda
Village Clerk/Treasurer